Monday 28 October 2013

New Medical Technology Helps Combat Childhood Cancer

Do you think New Medical Technology Helps Combat Childhood Cancer that Cool? Lets Comment bro
FutureTech -  The TGen Cloud is a real -time repository of global knowledge about the latest technology will finding the most effective treatment . It is a partnership between Dell and the Translational Genomics Research Institute , or TGen can be called . new emerging technologies in the field of medicine. New in Medical Technology
Dell provides high- performance computing hardware , cloud infrastructure , funding and volunteers , and TGen perform genetic analysis . By simplifying and accelerating large - scale interactions and sharing of data between clinicians and scientists , TGen Cloud allows clinicians to identify appropriate treatment more quickly and provide treatment much earlier and the best .

The process is actually very simple . When a child is diagnosed with neuroblastoma , tumors biopsied and analyzed by TGen , which maps DNA against millions of patient and treatment variables . The Cloud TGen manages around 200 billion data points - not totally , but per patient . great right ? and is very useful for our future and our young daughters .

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Source - Here

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