Monday 4 November 2013

ARM Tech - Smart objects will be present - push data back into the hands

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FutureTech - I believe that in the future there will be new things that are more sophisticated and surprisingly right for us . and would be very helpful to us . a concept based around embedding sensors are connected to the internet everyday objects - could give way to some exciting technology in the future .
Economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU ) chip designer ARM said that there is a smart and useful objects for your home in 2020 tomorrow . and Ian Ferguson ( VP Segment Marketing ARM ) also responded " We 've seen things like connect Fuelbands Nike and wearable devices such as Google Glass and smartwatches question is - who owns the data we lobbied to encourage more control back to the user so that they can control . ? wherein data to be , as opposed to it going straight up into the clouds . "
But I think what else could be done with the data your company if they know how you drive and . when you are driving ?
" There are still some interesting conversations have yet to play out . What happens if the data is coming from the heart rate monitor that is in a person's body , for example ? Have to patient data . They may want to go to their doctors and hospitals , but not the insurance . "
me and you can only pray to the master tech in order to make and find it useful in the future

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